Monday, May 2, 2011


Oh..Get Busy!Get Busy!Get Busy!

2 weeks ni asyik jalan je, so now time for "working"..before get busy with the wed things again on the 28th..fuhhh used to be boyfriend dah kahwin, Congrats AF!! Semoga diberkati dunia dan akhirat. InsyaAllah i pergi ur wedding...Congrats juga to my cousin....Thanks kak yunie for the marvellous food at Kelantan...berat naik sudah...:) and...I LOVE THE TAPAI.....hihi....Ok2...have to go, Have a great day everyone...

1 comment:

  1. Kelantan memang terbaik nak makan. Dah la murahhh! Hehe :D
